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2017年10月,安徽省委省政府出台《关于实行以增加知识价值为导向分配政策的实施意见》。采取调查问卷的方式从五个方面跟踪总结了安徽省属高校院所对以增加知识价值为导向分配政策的执行情况,并对今后如何推动政策的进一步落实提出建议。  相似文献   
We study the factors influencing the percentage of organic and fair trade certified coffee sold through a cooperative by growers of five cooperatives in Mexico. The percentage of coffee sold through the cooperative was used as a proxy of growers’ engagement with a cooperative. Using factor analysis and a fractional probit regression, we evaluated the proposition that the level of engagement can be explained by transaction cost economics, social norms and connections, and farmer and farm business characteristics. We found that farm size, uncertainty regarding cooperative time of payment to the members and cooperative commitment on price to be paid negatively influence the level of engagement. In contrast, asset specificity, relational commitment, and price have a positive impact on engagement. Our results may help cooperatives and policy makers to build strategies aiming to increase this level of engagement. This is relevant because lower grower engagement has been found to be positively correlated with weak performing cooperatives.  相似文献   
为推进南通市交通运输转型发展,优化交通基础设施空间一体布局,在经济增长中发挥好支撑引领作用,在阐述南通市综合交通枢纽布局现状、发展定位和存在问题的基础上,从强化对外综合运输通道建设、畅通周边城市城际交通网络、提升市域集散网覆盖通达水平、大力发展多式联运系统和促进综合货运枢纽高效衔接5个方面提出南通市综合交通枢纽布局优化对策。综合交通枢纽的布局优化,有利于完善南通市的枢纽功能,进一步提升其在全国综合交通体系中的战略地位,发展枢纽经济,实现经济转型,加快打造成长三角北冀经济中心。  相似文献   
This study examines governance and institutional factors that influence how public resources are allocated for nutrition interventions in the context of a developing country—Mozambique—with very high rates of malnutrition. Based on qualitative empirical analysis building on a political economy framework, we explore the importance of two agent-centred and two investment-centred factors that determine how decisions on budget allocation to nutrition are made. The analysis finds that public decisionmakers strongly favour highly visible nutrition investments and those with a short duration between the time that spending is incurred and outcomes or outputs are achieved. Co-ordination has been quite successful among donors, and mainly of a spatial nature. Co-ordination is significantly weaker among government agencies, given the absence of fiscal tools of the co-ordinating agency, and its placement in a sector ministry rather than at a supra-sectoral level. Champions as change agents have had a truly influential role in attracting more funding to nutrition and improving its allocation. But their influence is also fleeting and difficult to sustain.  相似文献   
从效率差异视角构建国家创新影响力评价方法,揭示“一带一路”沿线国家创新要素流动倾向性以促进交流合作。运用DEA模型测算各国创新效率,根据DEA原理识别国家间的认可关系,构建创新网络并用节点特征向量中心度表示各国创新影响力,分析创新影响力类型、创新网络特征及创新投入冗余率与产出不足率。结果发现,各国创新效率存在显著差距;各国分别处于创新网络中心、核心和边缘位置,国家创新影响力依次递减;按照创新要素相对强度,沿线国家可分为6种创新类型;最后,提出沿线国家间开展创新交流与合作的必要性和途径。  相似文献   
在全球人才流动加速的知识经济时代,中央和地方政府相继颁布了一系列鼓励海外高层次人才创新创业的政策。通过构建政策工具—创新创业过程二维框架,以浙江省“九五”至“十三五”期间颁布的海外人才政策为研究对象,采用内容分析法和扎根理论编码进行统计分析。研究发现:浙江省海外高层次人才政策数量增长迅速,从“十五”至“十三五”开局之年政策数量呈明显上升趋势;政策发文主体较多,但协调性较弱,浙江省财政厅是重要联合发文主体;从政策工具维度而言,供给类和环境类政策过溢、需求类政策偏少;创新创业准备阶段缺乏环境型政策,起步阶段缺乏供给型政策,发展阶段缺乏需求型政策。最后,提出优化海外高层次人才政策的对策建议。  相似文献   
We report results from a study of superannuation member advice‐seeking within their plan, explaining observed patterns by member age, gender, issue salience and size‐of‐bet effect. Inquiry mode, frequency and volume of contact with the advice‐provider, and sensitivity of members to legislative change and macroeconomic events are considered. Results show that gender (female more likely than male), age (older rather than younger), balance (larger rather than smaller) and experience (longer rather than shorter) are the strongest advice‐seeking predictors, consistent over time. Findings suggest member engagement around retirement planning may be more effective when considering the factors affecting advice‐seeking behaviour in general.  相似文献   
高校思想政治理论课是大学生思想政治教育的主渠道。职业素养教育是高职院校人才培养体系中的特色环节,也是高职院校进行大学生素质教育的重要阵地。高职院校思想政治理论课与职业素养教育实现有机融合,可以有效调动各种资源形成教育合力,有利于高职院校构建大思政工作格局。高职院校可以从做好顶层设计、整合人才队伍、融入教育载体、互鉴教育方式、规范考核评价五个方面加强思想政治理论课与职业素养教育的有机融合,形成协同育人效果。  相似文献   
我国已从高速增长阶段进入高质量发展阶段,新通信技术、新媒体、互联网的迅速发展,不同价值理念传播速度前所未有,对大学生的冲击力度巨大,一定程度上造成大学生认知上的模糊和混乱。大学生知行不一的问题应当引起高等院校管理部门及师生的高度重视。大学生知行不一主要表现在两个方面:一是思想认识上的模糊和错误;二是行为表现距离社会规范的要求差距比较大。造成大学生知行不一的原因有三:一是道德认知本身存在众多分歧和争议;二是道德选择与现实利益之间的冲突和矛盾;三是情感在道德选择中的作用。要不断完善促进大学生知行合一的基本路径:一是落实思想政治理论课“立德树人”的目标;二是创新教学方式方法;三是改革和完善教学科研管理制度;四是加强校园文化能力建设。  相似文献   
欧盟在其近年来的国际投资协定谈判中,提出了不少对国际投资规则进行革新的内容。中国为应对将来中欧自由贸易协定谈判,除了分析欧盟国际投资规则本身之外,更应该对欧盟国际投资规则的形成与发展趋势有清晰的把握。欧盟投资规则的形成受到《里斯本条约》的影响,在发展过程中欧盟法院又起到了至关重要的作用。同时,欧盟的国际投资规则发展面临着一致性问题的影响。欧盟如何协调内部投资规则的冲突,如何协调欧盟与欧盟成员在外部的国际投资仲裁中的主体地位等问题都将影响着欧盟国际投资规则的发展,更影响着中国应对中欧双边贸易投资规则的谈判策略。  相似文献   
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